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Rapid Review of Disability and Older Age Inclusion in Humanitarian WASH Interventions

Background. People with disabilities and older people make up significant population groups, however, they are disproportionately affected by and amongst the most marginalised in humanitarian response. In contexts of disasters, conflict or unrest, access to water and sanitation can be severely impacted, increasing vulnerability to disease and death. Access to clean water and sanitation is recognised as a fundamental human right, and numerous human rights frameworks further affirm equal rights for people with disabilities and older people (aged over 60). Though, evidence suggests they are at a disproportionately greater risk of not having adequate access to water and sanitation. To promote inclusive humanitarian action, the Age and Disability Capacity Programme (ADCAP) consortium developed the Humanitarian Inclusion Standards (HIS)4. The HIS consists of nine key inclusion standards and sets sector specific standards, including for the WASH sector.  The WASH inclusion standards are structured around three key dimensions of inclusion: 1) Collection of Information, 2) Addressing Barriers and 3) Participation and Resilience.